The first day of school was on Wednesday, August 10th. I have 2 1/2 in school. I say 1/2 because my 3rd is in Kindergarten which is half day. So Noelle is in 3rd grade, Ethan is in 2nd and Jacob is in Kindergarten. Have I mentioned how much I love...I mean LOVE having my kids so close together in age. On one hand it has been hard to have them leave off to school one after another so quickly. On the other hand, Ethan was so good with his little brother making sure he knew where to put his back pack and when and where to line up. Ethan had friends coming to him inviting him to play with them and he would let them know that he was going to play with his brother or that he needed to help his little brother. This came totally unprompted ...completely his choice. This is so great to see because honestly he acts like he could care less about his little brother at home. As sad as I am that they are at school more than they are at home, the positives are that we got the teachers that we wanted for all of them, we are back into a routine and they all seem to be adjusting well. Here are some pics of each of them on their first day of school. Noelle was complaining that the sun was in her eyes. Sadie starts preschool the first week in September so pictures of her first day will come later.
I am now 36 weeks and 1 day...officially in my 9th month! Yeah!! My doctor asked me how anxious I was to have the baby. I let him know that I actually wasn't that anxious. He was a little confused until I explained to him that the baby is so much easier to take care of inside, but that I knew I would be more comfortable with it out! He replied, "Ah, a realist." That's me, just keepin' it real. Anyways, I am really just trying to enjoy this. Trying to savor every movement. I really do love being pregnant, this one just hasn't been as smooth sailing. I still love it though. I'm amazed that my body can grow a baby. I said in an earlier post that I didn't want to get too anxious about baby coming because I didn't want to wish the summer away because I wanted to enjoy my kids being at home with me. Well, they are back to school and there is nothing I can do about that. So now I am anxious to meet you little one. I'm anxious to hold you, see what you look like and for you to be here. So, here's a pic of me from yesterday at exactly 36 weeks. This is one of the least flattering pictures of me ever, but we've gotta document the journey.
Other fun things about this pregnancy. I have never really cared for cherries. I do now. I actually really like them. Are they just particularly good this year or is this a pregnancy thing? I've always been particularly fond of grape soda, but I'm not much of a soda drinker. I've needed a grape soda every now and then. It was brazilian limeade earlier in the pregnancy. I've always liked artichokes too, but again I've kinda needed them the past couple of weeks. Grapes have been tasting really good too. I've been eating an insane amount of ice cream and want chocolate malts often...okay that might not be anything different from the norm.
On to other things. Can I pout like a 2 year old for a minute? NOTHING is going my way right now! It feels like nothing has been going my way for several months now. NOTHING...personal stuff, stuff with Ben's work, etc. There are some pretty major things that I really wanted to go my way and because they didn't it feels like a really BIG deal when even the little things aren't going my way right now. I know that gestational hormones may be playing a role in how I've been feeling, but seriously I'm starting to feel invisible. Is no one hearing what I'm saying?! Is no one seeing what I'm seeing? I know, I all sounds selfish. I'll be off my rant in a sec. I have literally been praying for a little boost...anything to give me a boost because the things that I think need to happen aren't happening or going to happen. There are so many things surrounding this pregnancy that I can't control and even the things that I think I can, I am not being allowed to. I'm a pretty simple girl and rarely have a request and when I do, they are not huge requests. Apparently they are though because nothing is going my way and I want to fold my arms, stomp to my room, slam the door and cry (gestational hormones talking) until something does. Don't I deserve it?! I have some major things going on and I would like one of my requests to be acknowledged by someone...someone...anyone...Bueller? (2 year old self talking) I'm starting to lose sleep over some of these things and I really can't afford that right now! Things have so not been going my way that I have really just tried not to even talk about it because I thought that I was just bringing this all on to myself. I really am a very positive, upbeat person and so I thought that maybe one negative thing and the way that I would feel was bringing the next negative thing. I hate that I'm opening myself up enough to even let anyone see this negative and don't want anyone to feel yucky reading this...the post gets better though.
So I say that I am a simple girl and then this morning I was eating a piece of chocolate cake. (Yes, in the morning. I'm allowed, I'm pregnant. But, this is something I would do even if I wasn't. Anyone who knows me, knows this about me.) But what is strange about this is I don't care for chocolate cake (yes, you read that correctly.) Who doesn't like chocolate cake? Me. The reason is that chocolate cake rarely tastes chocolatey to me. Occasionally I will find a chocolate cake that enough chocolate has been added to it that it actually tastes like chocolate and I enjoy it. The reason I was enjoying the chocolate cake this morning is because it had been drowned in caramel and had Skor bar crushed on the top. Anyways, as I was eating this chocolate cake thinking about how I don't normally care for chocolate cake I thought to myself, "Who doesn't like chocolate cake?" I quickly thought of my step-mom. She and I share the same feelings on this topic. But, aside from her, most people want to indulge in a thick slice of chocolate cake and I started thinking that maybe I'm not as simple as I think I am...but, even if I'm not, I'm still not hard to please.
(Okay, big girl talking) What is the Lord trying to tell me? I seriously have so much in my life. Why in the world am I complaining? Despite my feelings right now, here's what I know, here's what REALLY matters:
- I may long to have family close by, but atleast I have my supportive husband. I think that we have now been without family support for so long that now we just do what we have to no matter what and pull together. As much as I wish it could be different, maybe this makes our family stronger. Maybe we are setting some sort of example for our kids.
- My husband cares. The truth is that if people really knew my husband, there would be a lot of jealous women out there. Especially when they realize he puts up with ME!
- I have 4 beautiful, healthy children...and 1 on the way.
- We have our jobs and we are able to set up my schedule around his so our kids don't even have to go to day care.
- I have a home, food, water, AC when it's hot, and heat when it is cold.
- I don't just have the previously mentioned necessities, the Lord has blessed us with EXTRAS!
- My kids have the sweetest little hands that I love to feel holding mine, or when they put them on my cheeks and tell me that they love me.
- I have the gospel. I have Christ in my life.
Seriously Alison...just stop your pouting! Although I would really like to see some things go differently, there are just so many things I can't control. Even though there are things that I would like to see go differently, I know that I would not trade some of the challenges that I have with others. So, I hope that anyone reading this who's heart is aching right now will not judge me for mine. That is one of the reasons that I did not specifically mention my current complaints. I know that things could be worse and that my complaints are just that. I am NOT suffering the way some of you have. My heart has ached for so many of you who are reading this right now when you have truly suffered. I feel guilty for even complaining, but I blog for my family. So that when my kids and grandkids read one day, they will learn from me. The above list is actually quite a bit longer and even in all of this self pity that I am drowning in right now I can see that I am not even deserving of a fraction of these things. I mean really my husband puts up with me. He does more than puts up with me...he even pretends that he likes it. If he's not pretending, please don't tell him how much better he can do. The truth is, I don't need anything more and at this point would feel bad about anything being done any differently now because I would feel like it had something to do with the fit I just threw! ;) I want for things to go the way the Lord would have them go because in all reality it's probably better than any way that I would have them go. Have you every heard the song Unanswered Prayers? I have faith that things will turn out better. Okay, I'm sorry for the complaining and I'm done! The above list continues to get longer and better each day and for that I am crazy thankful!! (I stole the term crazy thankful from my amazingly beautiful cousin, Michelle)
Aunt Ali, its refreshing to know, and a good reminder that all of us as individuals are so much alike even though we are all so different. You are not the only one that would like things to go right in our own eyes when the Lord has a different plan. For Aaron and I, the financial situation in Idaho has seemed like it has been never ending because it is a small town and area where there is just a major lack of opportunity for jobs in general and then to make a decent hourly wage especially if you earn tips - its flat out ridiculous! I know in the long run we will be blessed for our efforts but it is frustrating to not have a break or to have things go right in our way, even if it is just slightly. Remembering the blessings we have been given is wonderful and I know it helps me to step back, take a deep breath and keep pressing on! Hang in there, I wish we could be closer, we are kind of in the same situation with that too, it's difficult but I know it has brought us closer as a family. Thank you for sharing, now I know I can go and rant sometimes too :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful girl, there are all kinds of challenges in life, don't discount yours!
ReplyDeleteNow that I am an old lady (a hot one, mind you), I am beginning to see that all the ridiculously stupid and difficult things in my life have happened to make me ME. They never stop. And you must feel the pain and emotion that come with them. At this point, you are ahead of the game because you are seeing through it, to all that is wonderful. Keep being crazy-thankful, girl. Someday you might see why.
Love you! Michelle
Ali, miss you all so much and wish we could be all together. I feel blessed that dad and I have been provided with the means to come and visit a few times a year. It was funny how about the time Scott and Kat got married, we were provided with a vehicle that could make the trip. Before that, we could not have done it. He truly knows us and knows our needs.
ReplyDeleteOh ya, I hear ya on the chocolate cake:) I don't eat it anyway, but if I did, it is not my fave unless it is REALLY chocolatie:)
You are the biggest I have ever seen you! OM Goodness, Jakey II + some! He/she has to wait for me though, LOL, Love you
Your kids look so grown up and if that is one of the worst pictures of you than I say hang that picture up! When everything was 'hitting the fan' when our house adventure failed our bishop told us "the Lord cares more about our character than our comfort." So if you want to scream can we have a little more comfort here, chant I am building my character. Love that we can have real conversations, cause you keep it real. Cakes goodness is really determined by the frosting that is being used, thats my picky thought :)