Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Lost Tooth
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
are you really already 3 months?!
chase- 3 months old (12/05/11). onesie courtesy of lesley howe. i love that girl! it says, "tiebreaker, boys win!"
Last year of single digits for Noelle
so 10 days after you were born i took my final. 5 days after my final we moved as a family to tucson, az. it seems like it was only like 3 years ago that we were packing up your 5 pound, petite body into your carseat.
your middle name, kate, is after 2 great women, your aunt kathy and aunt kathleen. these women are wonderful older sisters who have amazing strength, compassion and make people around them feel good and want to do better. your dad and i have so much love and respect for these women and you are living up to your namesake! you have big shoes to fill and you are not just doing it...you are doing it well.
favorite song: you belong with me
favorite food: macaroni & cheese
favorite book: read to your bunny
favorite movie: baby geniuses
what do you want to be when you grow up?: a teacher
best friend: andalyn, morgan & lydia
what are you good at?: i'm good at math
what are you not good at?: i'm not good at doing division
what do you want to accomplish while you're 9?: get better at division
is there anything funny about you?: i don't know
Ben is 35!
so you're 35 now! another year older, another year hotter! we met when you were 15. started dating when you were 17. married when you were 21 (i was 20). we were babies. i look at our engagement photo on our wall and...wow, we were babies. let's keep growing up together, mmmk? then one day, when we're looking back at the photo above we will say, "wow, we were babies."